How To Fix CS:GO Failed To Create D3D Device Error?
"Failed to create D3D device! Please see the following for more info." We will try to resolve the error in this article.

CS:GOplayersare restricted fromaccessing the gameby encountering the error "Failed to create D3D device! Please see the following for more info." when opening the game. If youare facing suchaproblem, you can reach the solutionby following the suggestionsbelow.
What is CS:GO Failed To Create D3D Device Error?
This error is usually causedby the display settings. If your graphics card is not up to date, youarelikely to encounter suchan error. Of course, you may encounter suchan error not onlybecause of thisproblem,butalsobecause ofanotherproblem. For this, we will try to solve theproblemby telling youafew suggestions.
How To Fix CS:GO Failed To Create D3D Device Error?
To fix this error, you can find the solution to theproblemby following the suggestionsbelow.
1-) Update Graphics Card Driver
In such continuityproblems, we may encounteran update error in the graphics card. For this, we will need to update the graphics card. If you're ready, let's get started.
For Users with Nvidia Graphics Card;
- First ofall, Nvidia company's Geforce Experience We need to downloadand install theprogram.
- After the downloadand installationprocess, we open ourprogramand open the Drivers menuabove.
- Download our updateby clicking the Downloadbutton thatappearsabove.
- After our download is complete, let'sperform the installationprocessby clicking the quick installationbutton.
- Restart your computerafter thisprocess is finished.
For Users with AMD Graphics Card;
- Publishedby AMD company AMD Radeon Software We need to downloadand install theprogram.
- After the downloadand installationprocess, we open ourprogramand click the Check for Updatesbutton under the driverand software menu on the right,and check whether our video card is up to date.
- You can restart your computerbyperforming the update.
After updating our graphics driverand restarting our computer, we can try to open the CS:GO game.
2-) Update Startup Setting
We can eliminate theproblemby typingafew code tags in the launch settings.
- Run the Steamprogram.
- Open the Library menu, right-click on the game "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"and click on "Properties".
- The "General" menu in the new window that opens willbe open. Go to the "Startup Settings"box in the General menuandpaste the following commands.
- -console -tickrate 128 -novid -nojoy +rate 786432 -no-browser +cl_forcepreload 1 -d3d9ex
After thisprocess, you can run the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gameand check if theproblempersists.
3-) Verify Game File Integrity
We will verify the game file integrity, scanand downloadany missing or incorrect files. For this;
- Open the Steamprogram.
- Open thelibrary menu.
- Right-click on the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game on the leftand open the Properties option.
- Open the Local Files menu on the left side of the screen that opens.
- Then let'saccess the fileby clicking "Browse"at the top right.
- Open the "csgo" folder in the opened folder.
- After this, delete the "materials"and "models" folders.
- Then go to theprevious local files menuand click the "Verify integrity of game files"button.
After thisprocess, the download willbeperformedby scanning the damaged game files. After theprocess is finished, try to open the gameagain.
4-) Edit Registry
- Type regedit into the Start searchbarand open it.
- Paste the locationComputer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers into theboxat the top of the screen that opensandpress enter.
- After this operation, the registry on the right willbelisted. If there isaregistry named TdrLevel, right click on itand delete it. If not, continue with theprocedurebelow.
- Then right-click onan empty spaceand select the option that says newDWORD (32Bit) value.
- Rename the registry we just created to TdrLevel.
- Then enter 0 in the value databy double-clicking on it. After thisprocess, restart your computer. If not, change the value data to 3and tryagain.
After thisprocess is finished, restart your computerand log in to the gameand check if theproblempersists.