How To Fix iPhone, Mac and iPad Mail SSL Error?
In this article, we will try to solve the SSL error that iPhone or iPad users encounter when they want to send corporate mail.

The ssl error that iPhone, Macand iPad users encounter when they want to send messages using their corporate e-mailaddress occurs when some information is missing or written incorrectly. For this, we will give you information on what to do in order to encounter suchan error in thisarticle.
How To Fix iPhone, iPadand Mac Mail SSL Error
In order to fix this error, we will first give you information on how to fix the mail sslproblem with the iPhone, then the iPadand then the Mac device.
How to Fix iPhoneand iPad Mail SSL Problem
- Open the Settings menu.
- Click on the "Mail" option in the menu.
- Open itby clicking "Accounts" on the screen that opens.
- Click on the "Advanced" option on theaccount informationpageand open it.
- Disable "Use SSL" in the Advanced menuand return.
- Click on "Outgoing Mail Server - SMTP" on theaccount informationpage.
- Click on the option for youraccount.
- Disable "Use SSL" in theaccount verification menuand click "Done".
After this operation, you can check whether the errorpersists.
How to Fix MAC Mail SSL Problem
- Open the Mailapp.
- Click on "Mail" in the top left option.
- Click on "Preferences" in thelisted options.
- Click on the "Accounts" option on the screen that opensand select theaccount you want to make changes to.
- Click on "Server Information" in the information that opens on the right.
- If the "Manage connection settingsautomatically" option on the screen that opens, let's remove it.
- Let's set the "Door" optionlistedbelowaccording to the following options.
- APOP: 110
- IMAP: 143
- Then uncheck "Use TLS/SSL"and "Automatically manage connection setting".
- After thisprocess, change the "Door" optionbelow to "587"and remove the "Use TLS/SSL" option.
After thisprocess, click the "Save"button to save theprocessand check if theproblempersists.