Discord Color Writing

If you want to learn how to make the colorful texts that Discord users see on the servers, this article will be a guide.

Dec 9, 2021 - 00:02
Discord Color Writing
Discord Color Writing

The color writing event, which is rarely used in Discord server channels, may have attracted the attention of many users. However, in this article, we will teach you how to write in color on server channels by sharing a few color codes for users who do not know how to write in color on Discord.

How to Write Colored Text in Discord?

We can take advantage of 6 different color options with a few simple code phrases in the Discord message box. You can write the following different lines of code so that we can benefit from these color codes.

Discord Blue Text Color Code

  • ```css
  • #HataUzmani
  • ```

Discord Red Text Color Code

  • ```diff
  • -HataUzmani
  • ```

Discord Green Text Color Code

  • ```json
  • "HataUzmani"
  • ```

Discord Yellow Text Color Code

  • ```apache
  • HataUzmani
  • ```

Discord Light Yellow Text Color Code

  • ```diff
  • + HataUzmani
  • ```

Discord Orange Text Color Code

  • ```css
  • [HataUzmani]
  • ```

The codes above will be included in the messages, respectively, as follows;

In this way, you can make a difference to your message by typing the color codes.

Hata Uzmanı Aradağın hataları bulman artık çok daha kolay!