How To Fix iPhone Inactive Error?
In this article, we will try to solve the "iPhone Inactive" error that iPhone users encounter with repeatedly entering the wrong home screen password.

IPhone usersactivate the screen lock for security reasons. When we enter the screen lock correctly, we can easilyperform our operations without encounteringanyproblems. However, the "iPhone Inactive" error, whichappears when we enter the screen lock incorrectly more than once,preventsaccess forawhile,and no use of thephone isallowed. If youare facing suchaproblem, we can solve theproblemby following the suggestionsbelow.
What is iPhone Inactive Error?
Thisproblem encountered on the login screen usually occurs when you enter the home screen lock incorrectly more than once. The error "iPhone is notactive Tryagain in 1 minute"afterafew incorrectpasswords does notallowaccess temporarily. This warningappears when you enter the wrongpassword 5 times inarow. If you enter the wrongpasscode 10 times inarow, it will startpromptinglike "iPhone is disabled" or "Connect to iTunes".
How To Fix iPhone Inactive Error?
We will try to solve theproblemby giving youafew suggestions to fix this warning.
1-) Restore with iTunes
In this suggestion, if you havepreviouslypaired the iTunesprogram to yourphone, you canperform this operation. The reason for this is thatpreviouslypairedphones createarestorepoint within theprogram. We canalso restore ourphoneby takingadvantage of this situation.
- Connect yourphone to your computer with the help ofacable.
- Open the iTunesapp.
- After thisprocess, the iTunesprogram will sync yourphoneand start creatingabackup.
- After the synchronization is completed successfully, click "Device" in the upper left corner toaccess the "BackupEdits" menu.
- Click the "Restore Backup"button in the menuand wait foranew window to open.
- Proceedby clicking “Restore” or “Restoreand Update” in the window that opens.
2-) Reset Phone
This operation will deleteall data on yourphone. For this,beaware that you havebacked upbeforehand.
- Connect yourphone to your computer with the help ofacableand open the iTunesapplication.
- Switch to DFU mode while thephone is connected to the computer.
Models with Home Button
- Pressand hold "Home Key + Power Button" until the recovery screen comes up toboot into DFU mode.
Notched Screen Models
- Turn off the devicebypressingand holding thepowerbutton for 3 seconds to switch to DFU mode.
- After your device turns off,pressand hold the Powerbuttonand the volume downbutton for 6-7 seconds.
Afterputting yourphone in DFU mode, let's continue with ourprocess.
- Afterputting ourphone in DFU mode, iTunes will understand that youare in recovery modeand will display two options on the screen.
- You can start the resetprocessby clicking "Restore iPhone" on the screen that opens.