Capture High Definition Photos and Videos on iPhone
The lack of knowledge that iPhone users can take high-quality photos or videos leaves itself behind among many users.

We can say that Apple, which has switched to 4k resolutionafter the iPhone 6s series, has come toavery goodplace in terms ofphotographyand video. Butby default, we can shoot 1080p videoat 30fps on iPhone devices. Almost iPhone users do not know this situation.
Taking high resolution videos orphotos on iPhones causes the storage space to fill up quickly. We encounter suchasituationbecause it records each frame with multiple shots in high quality.
By default, iPhone offers 30 fps 1080p videoandphoto quality to its devices. Well, let's find out together which way we need to go to shoot this high quality shot.
How Can I Take High Definition Photosand Videos?
- Let's clean your device's camera nicelyandbring thebadandblurry looking camera toalive state. We can start theprocessby wiping it withacottonpad without scratching the cleaningprocess.
- First ofall, turn on the Camera to capture fasterand higher quality video on yourphone.
- The text 60 in the upper rightadjusts the shutter speed of the camera. In other words, click on thepart that says 60Hz, the higher it rises, thebetter it willallow us to getapicture.
- We can change our optionby clicking on the HDpart in the upper right of thephoto. The higher we set our option, thebetter image we can get.
Thisaction we set in the video section can quickly fill your storage space. We recommend that you check your storagebefore you start shooting video. If your storage space is lowand you have started to shoot high-quality videos, your video willbe interruptedand unfortunately we may notbeable to capturean important moment.
Theprocess we mentionedabove wasasetting made for the video. Now theprocess we will showbelow willbeaguide on how to take high qualityphotos.
- Enter Settings>Camera.
- Formatsandactivate the High Efficiency section.
- Access the camera menuagainand enter Video Recording under Formats.
- You can make the settings you see in thepictureby choosing themaccording to you. Butbefore you do, read thearticles in the middleand choose whichever is suitable for you.
- 720p HD,30fps. If you choose one of the 1080p HD ,30fps options, turn off the "Auto Low Light FPS" optionat thebottom. It will help yourphotosand videos tobe of high qualityandbeautiful.
Then, finally go to the camera settings,access the "Keep settings" sectionand enable "Camera Mode".