Solution for Android Has Stopped Working

Android users occasionally encounter the stopped working error that annoys many users.

May 9, 2021 - 20:58
Solution for Android Has Stopped Working
Solution for Android Has Stopped Working

While using Android applications, the application has stopped working error due to different reasons. There are many reasons for errors in Android applications. There are many different methods for this. For this, we will reveal a few different solutions to you.

What is the Application Has Stopped Working Error? How to Troubleshoot?

This error is shown as an error output to the users in software. It may stop the application for many different reasons.

  • Conflict of data on the application,
  • SD card faulty,
  • Incomplete download of the application,

Yes, in our article in the first article we explained above, we said that there is a possibility of collision of data on the application, but let's explain to you below how to clear this application data.

  • Open the settings menu.
  • In the menu that opens, we enter the applications tab.
  • We choose the application which is problematic from the application list.
  • We click on storage on the screen that appears.
  • We clear it by clicking the Clear data and Clear cache button.

These methods are not only on the application but also on the guide, video, etc. You will not experience any loss as a file, but if you clear the data and cache of an application such as Instagram, it will exit your open account.

In our second article, we talked about the faulty SD card. Well, let's see how we can tell if the SD card is faulty or not;

  • First, determine where your application is registered.
  • If it is on the SD card, remove your SD card and start the application.
  • If the application runs smoothly when you remove the SD card and restart the application, the SD card is corrupted.

This error is often seen in users who install their applications on the SD card. Although the application is not on the SD card, if the SD card is corrupted, this may cause an error to the application.

In our third article, it may be caused by your incorrect or incomplete download of the application, so you can try to delete the application from the root and try the installation process again.

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