How To Fix Error Code 2004 On MW2?
We will provide information on how to fix the "Error Code: 2004" and "Error cause: 10" errors that Call of Duty Modern Warfare II players encounter in-game.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare II players, in-game "A matchmaking lobby error has occurred, please retry the operation." then encountering the error "Error cause: 10" followed by "Error code: 2004" restricting access to the game. If you are facing suchaproblem, you can findasolution by following the suggestions below.
- What is Modern Warfare 2 Error Code 2004?
- How To Fix Error Code 2004 In Modern Warfare 2
- How to Fix Modern Warfare 2 Error Code 2004 on Xbox?
What is Modern Warfare 2 Error Code 2004?
MW2 "Error cause: 10" and "Error code: 2004" error are usually caused byadamaged or corrupted loading of the Call of Duty Modern Warfare II game cache.
In addition, the unstable operation of the internet also brings along such various errors.
Of course, you may encounter such an error not only because of this problem, but also because of many other problems.
For this, we will try to solve the problem by telling youafew suggestions.
How to Fix Error Code 2004 in Modern Warfare 2
To fix this error, you can find the solution to the problem by following the suggestions below.
1-) Register Google DNS Server
We can eliminate the problem by registering another dns server on the computer.
- Open Control Panel and select Network and Internet
- Open Network and Sharing Center on the screen that opens.
- Click on Change adapter settings on the left.
- Right-click on your Connection Type to open the Properties menu.
- Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP /IPv4).
- Let's apply the settings by typing the Google DNS server we will give below.
- Preferred DNS server:
- Other DNS server:
- Then click on Verify settings on exit and press OK button to perform the actions.
After doing this, let's move on to the next suggestion.
2-) Check Your Connection
The problem that occurs in the internet connection can cause many errors.
If your internet connection is slowing down or disconnected, let's giveafew suggestions to fix it.
- If your internet speed is slowing down, turn your modem off and then on again. This process will relieve your internet alittle bit.
- We can eliminate the problem by clearing the Internet cache.
Clear DNS Cache
- Type "cmd" in the start search screen and run it as administrator.
- Command prompt screen by typing the followinglines of code one after the other and press enter.
- ipconfig /renew
- ipconfig /flushdns
- netsh int ipv4 reset
- netsh int ipv6 reset
- netsh winhttp reset proxy
- netsh winsock reset
- ipconfig /registerdns
- After this operation, it will show that your dns cache and proxies have been cleared successfully.
After this process, you can open the game by restarting the computer.
If the problem persists, let's move on to another suggestion.
3-) Power Off Your Modem
Turn off your modem, wait 20 seconds and turn it back on. During this process, your ip address will change and will prevent various network problems.
If the problem persists, let's move on to another suggestion.
How to Fix Modern Warfare 2 Error Code 2004 on Xbox
Xbox users may encounter the MW 2 Error Code 2004 error frequently. If you are an Xbox user and encountering this error, you can follow the steps below.
1-) Close the Application Completely
To solve this error that occurs when the application or game is open, we can eliminate the problem by closing the running application completely.
- Reopen the app or game and press the Xbox button on your controller.
- Highlight the application in the mini guide on the left side of the screen that opens and press the Menu button on your controller.
- Select "Quit" in the drop-down menu.
After performing this operation, restart the application or game.
2-) Clear MW2 Cache Data
You can eliminate the problem by clearing the cache data of the Modern Warfare 2 game on the Xbox console.
Follow the step below if you don't know how to clear the Modern Warfare II game cache data.
- First of all, close the Modern Warfare 2 game.
- Then access the "My games & apps" menu.
- Hover over the game "Modern Warfare 2" in the menu and press the three dashes on your Xbox controller.
- Click on "Manage game and addons" in the window that opens.
- Then click on "Saved Data" and click on "Delete All".
After performing this operation, the cache files of the game will be cleared.
After the cleaning process is complete, run and check the Modern Warfare 2 game.
3-) MakeaWired Connection
If you have access to the internet on Xbox via Wi-Fi, your network may not be providingahealthy internet.
Therefore, you can check if the problem persists by providingawired connection.
4-) Restart Console
Various problems can occur with the Xbox console. We can avoid these problems by restarting your console.
To do this, click the Xbox button in the middle of your controller.
Click on the "Restart console" option on the screen that opens and restart your console.
After this process, you can check if the problem persists.
5-) Change DNS Address
We can solve the problem by changing the dns address in order to solve such network problems.
- Press the Xbox button on your controller.
- Select the "Profile and system" option on the screen that opens and open the "Settings" menu.
- Select "General" in the menu and click "Network Settings".
- Then click on "Advanced Network Settings" on the screen that opens and select "DNS Settings".
- After this process, select the "Manual" option and define the following dns address.
- Primary:
- Secondary:
After performing the process, you can check if the problem persists.