How To Fix Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Error Code 0x8007000e?
In this article, we will try to solve the "Error Code: 0x8007000e" problem that Call of Duty Modern Warfare II players encounter after running the game.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare II players encounter the "Error Code: 0x8007000e" problem after running the game, restricting their access to the game. If you are facing suchaproblem, you can findasolution by following the suggestions below.
- What is Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Error Code 0x8007000e?
- How To Fix Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Error Code 0x8007000e
What is Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Error Code 0x8007000e?
The Call of Duty Modern Warfare II "Error Code: 0x8007000e" problem is usually caused byahardware problem.
For example; Insufficient RAM memory can cause you to encounter various error codeslike this.
Of course, you may encounter such an error not only because of this problem, but also because of many other problems.
For this, we will try to solve the problem by telling youafew suggestions.
How To Fix Call of Duty Modern Warfare II Error Code 0x8007000e
To fix this error, you can find the solution to the problem by following the suggestions below.
1-) Increase Ram Speed with XMP
If the speed of your RAM is insufficient or difficult for the game, it may cause you to encounter various error codeslike this.
For this, you can eliminate the problem by increasing the speed of your RAM.
In order to increase the RAM speed, you can increase the Mhz of your RAM with XMP over the bios.
Save by setting the RAM Mhz for the best results and check if the problem persists.
2-) Keep Graphics Card Updated
You need to check if you are using the latest version of your graphics card driver. We can eliminate the problem by checking if our graphics card driver is up to date.
If you have an Nvidia graphics card Geforce Experience check for updates.
If you have an Amd graphics card Radeon Software check for updates.
If you haveagraphics update for IntelIntel Driver to check for updates .
After updating our graphics driver and restarting our computer, we can try to open the Call of Duty Modern Warfare II game.
3-) Set the Game's Graphics Preference
We can fix the problem by setting the graphics preference setting of the Modern Warfare II game to "High Performance".
- Type "Graphics Settings" into the start search screen and open it.
- Disable the "Hardware Accelerated GPU Timing" option on the screen that opens.
- Then find and select the launcher of the game "cod.exe" by clicking "Browse" below.
- After your game is added as an option, click "Modern Warfare II", click "Options" and set it to "High Performance" to save the action .
After this process, you can run the game and check if the problem persists.
4-) Decrease Graphics Quality
The high graphic quality of the game can tire your system. We can eliminate the problem by reducing the in-game graphics quality, as fatigue of your system can cause the game to crash.
- First, run Modern Warfare II and access the graphics setting.
- Select "QUALITY" in the Graphics setting and set the quality preset to "Minimum".
- Then set the "RENDER RESOLUTION" option to "100".
- After this process, set the "SHADER QUALITY" option to "LOW".
- After performing this operation, set the "ON-DEMAND TEXTURE STREAMING" option to "OFF".
- After setting the texture flow, set "NVIDIA REFLEX LOW LATENCY" to "OFF".
- After lowering the graphics quality, apply the settings and save and click "DISPLAY". Set the "DISPLAY MODE" option in the option to "FULLSCREEN EXTENDED WINDOW".
After making the adjustments, confirm and close the game and move on to the next suggestion.
5-) Enable NVIDIA Display Scaling
After performing the above operation, we can eliminate the problem by opening the Nvidia Control Panel and enabling image scaling for Modern Warfare II.
- Open the Nvidia Control Panel.
- Click on "Manage 3D Settings" on the left.
- Then click "Program Settings" and click the "Add" button.
- Select and add the game "Call of Duty HQ" in the new window that opens.
- Click on the "Image Scaling" option on the screen that opens, set it to "On" and set the "Sharpening" option to "100 strong>".
After this process, you can save the processes and check if the problem persists.
6-) Verify Game File Integrity
Damage to the game file can cause you to encounter various errorslike this. For this, we can eliminate the problem by verifying the game files.
If you areaBattle.Net user:
- Run the Battle.Net application.
- Click on "Games" at the top of the app.
- Click on the Modern Warfare II game.
- Click the gear icon next to the "Play" button on the screen that opens.
- After this process, click "Scan and Repair" to start the verification process.
If you areaSteam user:
- Open the Steam program.
- Open thelibrary menu.
- Right click on the game "Modern Warfare II" on the left and open the "Properties" tab.
- Open the "Local Files" menu on the left side of the screen that opens.
- Click on the "Verify integrity of game files" button in the Local Files menu we encountered.
After this process, the download will be performed by scanning the damaged game files. After the process is finished, try to open the game again.
Yes, friends, we have solved our problem under this title. If your problem persists, you can ask about the errors you encounter by entering our FORUM platform that we have opened.