Fix: Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered Error Code LS-0013
In this article, we will try to resolve the "Error Code: LS-0013" error that Epic Games users encounter when they want to open Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered game.

Epic Games users encounter the "Error Code: LS-0013" error when they want to run Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, restricting their access to the game. If you are facing suchaproblem, you can findasolution by following the suggestions below.
What is Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered Error Code: LS-0013 Issue?
This error is caused by the Epic Games Launcher application's cache and data being corrupted or damaged, preventing our access to the game. For this, we will give you information on how to fix the problem by mentioningafew suggestions.
How To Fix Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered Error Code: LS-0013 Issue
To fix this error, you can find the solution to the problem by following the suggestions below.
1-) Turn off Antivirus Program
First of all, we can observe the cause of this error by turning off any antivirus program we use so that we can guess what it is. If you are using an antivirus program other than Windows Defender, turn it off completely. If you are only using Windows Defender, we will tell you the steps you need to do in order.
Turn Off Real-Time Protection
- First of all, close "Epic Games" with the help ofatask manager.
- Then open the start search screen by typing "Windows security settings".
- Click on "Virus and threat protection" on the screen that opens.
- Click "Manage settings" under the "Virus and threat protection settings" heading in the menu.
- Disable the "Real-time protection" option on the screen that opens.
Turn Off Ransom File Protection
Windows can make unnecessary file blocking in some places of the Windows Defender software, which it developed to secure the operating system. For this, we can run the game by turning off this protection for alimited time by makingafew settings.
- First of all, close "Epic Games" with the help ofatask manager.
- Open the start search screen.
- Open the search screen by typing "Windows security settings".
- Click on the "Virus and Threat Protection" option on the screen that opens.
- Click on the "Ransomware Protection" option in the menu.
- Turn off "Controlled Folder Access" on the screen that opens.
After this process, you can run the Epic Games program to download, update or verify the file. If your problem persists, let's move on to our next suggestion.
2-) Repair Epic Games Program
Any file missing or corrupt within the Epic Games program may cause any error. For this, we can fix such problems by repairing the Epic Games program.
- In the start search screen, type "Control Panel" and open it.
- Click on "UninstallaProgram" on the screen that opens.
- Right-click the "Epic Games Launcher" program, and click "Confirm".
After this process, it will scan for faulty or missing files and perform the installation process. After the process is completed successfully, open the Epic Games program and check if the problem persists.
3-) Clear Web Cache
- First of all, we close the Epic Games program completely with the help ofatask manager.
- Open the folder by typing "%localappdata%" in the start search screen.
- Open the "Epic Games Launcher" folder in the opened folder.
- Open the "Saved" folder on the screen we are facing.
- After this process, we delete the folder named ""webcache".
- Then we restart our computer and run the Epic Games program as an administrator.
4-) Turn off SSL Security
We can fix this problem by disabling the SSL security of the program. For this;
- First of all, close Epic Games completely with the help ofatask manager.
- Open by typing "Run" in the start search screen.
- Then paste the directory I left on the run search screen to get: "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Config\Windows" (username written Type your Windows username in the space.)
- Open the file "Engine.ini" in the opened folder withanotepad.
- The file we open will be empty. Paste theline of code we left below into the empty file and save it.
ForceNonSslCdn = false
After this process, you can easily download the game you want to download by running the Epic Games application. If the problem persists, let's move on to our next suggestion.
5-) Use Troubleshooter
Using the troubleshooter software developed by Epic Games, we can solve various errors that we encounter on the program.
- First of all, we close the Epic Games program completely with the help ofatask manager.
- Run the Epic Games program as an administrator and click on the "Settings" icon in the lower left corner.
- We start the scanning process by clicking "Troubleshooting" in the menu that opens.
After this process, Epic Games will scan the missing or faulty files and perform the repair process. After the process is completed successfully, run the Epic Games program as an administrator with the help ofatask manager.
6-) Run Epic Online Services
The Epic Online Services service that Epic Games uses to run applications in the background may be disabled on your computer. For this, we can solve the problem by running the Epic Games Online Services service.
- First of all, we close the Epic Games program completely with the help ofatask manager.
- We write "Services" on the start search screen and open it.
- Double-click the "Epic Online Services" service in the Services menu to open it.
- Change the "Startup Type" option to "Automatic" on the screen that opens. Then "Service Status" will show as stopped. Run the service by clicking the "Start" button below.
After performing this operation, run the Epic Games program as an administrator and check if the problem persists.
Yes, friends, we have solved our problem under this title. If your problem persists, you can ask about the errors you encounter by entering our FORUM platform that we have opened.